Pace Yourself: "Discernment"

Are you prone to feeling lost in life, when it comes to direction and purpose? Do you find yourself being pulled in all different directions by external influencers? What would it look like to take a beat, breathe, and have a meeting with yourself, God, and trusted people? We hope you will tune in to learn about how spiritual discernment can help us to triangulate our positions in life.

Pace Yourself: "Authenticity"

Psychology Today says “authenticity” is acting in accordance with one’s true self, and being authentic means behaving in congruence with one’s values, beliefs, motives, and personality dispositions.” Living authentically, can be a scary thing, but when we do it with the truth of the Gospel and with the help of the Holy Spirit, it can be a way to honor others and glorify God. We hope you will tune in to find out how.

Pace Yourself: "Who Am I?"

We’re back! We hope everyone had a wonderful New Year’s Day. This week we start a new message series on the book of Galatians entitled, “Pace Yourself”. With everyone talking about New Year’s resolutions, and pressures and expectations high for making life changes, what if instead we took a breath and slowed down to hear what God is saying? This week, we will start by talking about the importance of our identity. Tune in and find out.