Justice In the Time of Corona

Micah 6:1-8

What does it mean to live justly? That's a harder question than you might think. Everyone wants justice, but the way people understand and define justice looks different. What's "just" for a White Supremest will look different from what's "just" for a BIPOC. But what does God have to say about justice? Because God cares deeply about justice, mercy, and humility, as we see in the ancient Book of Micah. And what God shared with the Israelites thousands of years ago is still very relevant for the American in June of 2020.

Neighbor of Justice

Luke 10:25-37

Proclaiming “Black Lives Matter” is good, but it’s not enough. Donating money to a cause is better, but it’s not justice fully realized. By looking at the example of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10, we get a great example of what a 'neighbor of justice' looks like.

Love of the Father

Various Passages

How has your relationship with your earthly dad impacted your view of God? For me, my dad was a disciplinarian, distant, and disinterested in my life unless I got in trouble, so that's how I viewed God. So the idea of God the Father was always difficult for me to embrace. That was until I realized that God was Father to the fatherless, God the Father is relational, and God the Father is present. In these chaotic and tumultuous times in our nation, God is the Father that this world so desperately needs.