
Are you guilty of being a judgmental person? Far too often people have looked down on others in judgment because of their lifestyle, social status, or other reasons. I have found that as I have gotten older, I am becoming less and less judgmental and more and more understanding. There are probably many reasons behind this, but one big reason is because I have suffered and learned from my sufferings. One truth I’ve realized is that judging your neighbor is the beginning of hatred.

Just Anger

Justice is something we all want. In fact, justice is a God-given desire innate in everyone. Yet, how many of us are willing to do the difficult work of looking inward and asking ourselves how we’re embodying justice in our own lives? While it’s easy for us to point fingers and blame others for what’s wrong with the world, what is God calling His people to do in times of turmoil, division, and injustice?


Justice is something we all want. In fact, justice is a God-given desire innate in everyone. Yet, how many of us are willing to do the difficult work of looking inward and asking ourselves how we’re embodying justice in our own lives? While it’s easy for us to point fingers and blame others for what’s wrong with the world, what is God calling His people to do in times of turmoil, division, and injustice?

Restart: Bonds of Peace

Do you have any addictions? I have an addictive personality so I have to be careful what I consume. But lately, I’m trying to have a different approach towards addiction. Perhaps addictions are just another form of bonding; all human beings have an innate need to bond with others. I would also argue that all human beings have an innate need to bond with God. If human beings cannot bond with God or others in healthy ways, they’ll bond to something else like drugs, alcohol, pornography, or gambling. As journalist and researcher Johann Hari explained in his widely viewed TED talk, “The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it’s connection.”

Restart: Feeling Stuck

Have you ever felt stuck in your life? Perhaps you’ve felt stuck vocationally, relationally, or financially.
But have you ever wondered if you’ve ever felt stuck spiritually? Since 2020, it seems like most people are spiritually stuck but are either clueless as to how to overcome or they’re utterly oblivious to their own spiritual state. We will explore this important, relevant and rarely examined phenomenon of feeling spiritually stuck.