Mother Spirit

Various Passages

Should the male pronoun have a monopoly on the Holy Trinity? While many people might correctly understand God as not being bound by human restrictions like gender, God has been historically depicted as male. Not only that, all Three Persons of the Trinity were understood as males. God the Father is understood as a male figure, Jesus Christ the Son was historically male, but what about the Holy Spirit? Most of the Church references the Holy Spirit as a "he/him/his," but the very first mention of the Holy Spirit in the Creation story refers to the Holy Spirit as a female. In Genesis 1:2, Scripture says that the "Spirit of God hovered over the waters." The Hebrew word for "Spirit" is Ruach, which is a feminine word. And it makes logical sense that the Holy Spirit would be female because the Holy Trinity can be understood as a Holy Unified Family, God the Father, Holy Spirit the Mother, and Jesus Christ the Son.