Small Beginnings

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.
Zechariah 4:10a (NLT)

One of the fun activities I did for my bachelor party over ten years ago was go wine tasting at a winery in Santa Barbara. My best friends and I went into the winery as charlatans pretending like we were wine connoisseurs, but we really didn’t know anything about wine. As we sat down to enjoy different varieties of wine, the wine bartender told us a lot of information on the different glasses of wine we were drinking… far more than we needed to know. Playing the part of someone who knew wine, I randomly asked, “What kind of irrigation does the winemaker use?” The bartender replied, “Our winemakers don’t really believe in irrigation. They might irrigation for a few weeks in late summer when it’s extremely dry, but for the most part they leave the vines alone. They believe the vines need to work hard to allow the roots to grow deep in order to search for water deep in the dirt, otherwise the grapes don’t turn out too good. The vines need to fully experience the various seasons in order to truly grow. The dryness of summer and the harshness of winter are just as important as the richness of spring.” What kind of season are you in? For God is with you through it all and He allows various seasons of life to happen in order for us to experience true and healthy growth.