Take A Deep Breath

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7

Have you ever received a wonderful gift from a friend, family member, or another loved one? What’s your immediate reaction? Typically, a person who receives a wonderful gift will respond by stating the kindness, thoughtfulness, or generosity of the giver. They might say something like, “This is such a nice gift! Thank you for being such a wonderful friend!” In many ways, God loves a cheerful giver because God Himself is a cheerful giver. God doesn’t give us good gifts and blessings out of reluctance or compulsion; God is happy to give to His children. Likewise, God wants His people to behave similarly. As we just celebrated Thanksgiving and entering another season of remembering God’s goodness in Advent, may we remember to respond to God’s gifts by giving praise back to the ultimate Giver. As one of my favorite worship leaders Matt Redman sang in one of his songs, “I’m breathing in Your grace, I’m breathing out Your praise.”