Divine Disruptions

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.
Acts 8:4

Have you ever had anything disrupt your life so abruptly that it was one of those “wake the F up!” moments? Well, believe it or not, God often uses these disruptions as either reminders, rebukes, or redirections. In the Book of Acts chapter 7, we witness the first documented martyr of the church with the death of Stephen. Stephen preached an amazing message throughout Acts 7 then ends the message with a harsh rebuke against the religious leaders, which ultimately got him killed. This was the impetus that caused the severe persecution against Early Church that forced them to leave their hometown of Jerusalem and Judea into places they’ve never visited before. But what began as an abrupt disruption actually turned out to be a divine dispersion because “those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.” If you’ve had one of these disruptions in your life, ask yourself how you can use it to glorify God or serve others. Because what started off as a difficult disruption can actually turn into a disruption that’s divine.