Gratitude Challenge

I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.
Ephesians 1:16

Despite what you may believe, most people are not naturally grateful. It takes a lot of intention and practice to become grateful people. Practicing gratitude means regularly expressing gratitude to God in prayer, to people through words, or written in our journals daily, ESPECIALLY when we do not feel like it. But something interesting happens when we do; we experience the feelings of gratitude after we express the practice of gratitude. And let’s be honest; we may not always want to practice gratitude because our lives are hard or imperfect, but that will always be the case. Which means gratitude often coexists with other emotions, experiences, and realities. But that should never stop us from expressing gratitude because being grateful people makes our lives exponentially better and we become the type of people God desires us to be.

Here’s our post-Thanksgiving challenge for you for the rest of 2022.
Express gratitude everyday verbally to people, written in letters or your journal, or in prayer to God.

See what kind of difference it makes in your life. And if you feel a noticeable difference, keep it going indefinitely. You’re welcome.