What's Your Incubation Period Look Like?

As a mother comforts her child, I shall comfort you.
Isaiah 66:13

Have I mentioned that the hospital I work in currently is the hospital both of my children were born? I don’t get to visit the NICU unit too often, but whenever I do, I get very nostalgic and misty eyed because I remember how my son Drew spent the first ten days of his life in there. Drew was born five weeks early and he had to live in the incubator for the first few days of his life because his lungs were underdeveloped. You can imagine how scary it must have been for me and his mom. Surprisingly, he was a pretty happy quiet baby; he was always bundled up, he was warm under the warm lamp, and he was regularly fed and cleaned. He had no idea there were a team of people working around the clock to ensure his growth and health.

Do you ever feel like you’re in an incubation period? I know I have in 2022, heck even the last three years. Maybe you feel like you’re hiding, under the radar, and feeling “stuck” wherever you are in your life. But just as the incubation period was absolutely critical in the beginning of my son’s life, the incubation period is necessary for you and me as well. And even though we don’t realize it, God is working diligently around the clock to ensure your spiritual growth and health.