The Heart Is Deceitful

The heart is deceitful above all things; who can understand it?
Jeremiah 17:9

I was once told to trust my heart
It would guide me in the right direction,
It would lead me to where I must start
And it would take care of any correction.

I had trusted my heart once before
And it guided me to where I ended,
That road that I would not take no more
Sadness and hurt is what I apprehended.

My heart had guided me to my love
And truly and deeply I had loved her,
I gave my thanks to God above
But, to my heart she was a saboteur.

The heart does not reason or think
All that it wants is love and care,
It can be tricked by a smile or even by a wink
Or even by a deceptive stare.

I was once told to trust my heart
But, the heart is deceitful as the prophet had said
Love will cheat and lie and will also depart
So, now I trust only in God instead.

Randy L. McClave