Just Stop and Rest

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work.
Exodus 20:8-9

Shabbat Shalom! I hope you’re enjoying your Saturday today. Here’s a short inspirational reading to nourish your soul. 

In an unofficial survey I took over the past few years of working as a hospice & hospital chaplain, I realized that most people’s health deteriorated in three primary ways: substance abuse, poor diet and exercise (i.e. diabetes), and lack of rest. You’d be surprised how many patients I encounter who are surprised by their medical condition; but when I listen to their stories, its obvious to me that they’re in the state that they’re in because they rarely, if ever, take regular times of Sabbath. Now, Sabbath does involve adequate bodily rest, but it’s much more holistic than that. The way that God intended for human beings to practice Sabbath is more restorative rather than recovery.

So, how do you practice regularly Sabbath?

“As we keep or break the Sabbath Day we nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope by which man rises.”
-Abraham Lincoln