For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?
Matthew 5:46
Today I want to talk about something important: Road Rage.
Just kidding. Well, kind of.
I think it’s safe to say that most people who live in or near a busy city have experienced this phenomenon at least once in their lives. I know I’m definitely guilty of it - growing up in the 626 surrounded by rice rockets and/or inconsiderate drivers speeding, weaving through traffic and cutting people (me) off, the resultant road rage was very much a presence in my life.
When I was a young college student, I remember pulling into a busy shopping center and being very happy when I found a parking spot relatively close to the store I was heading for.
Now to be honest, I wasn’t the most observant 20 year old in the world. I hadn’t seen anyone waiting for the spot when I took it, but that doesn’t mean someone wasn’t there. Unfortunately, there was a lady who definitely felt wronged, and who also felt safe enough to use this opportunity for some stress relief.
But the kicker? We knew each other.
She was yelling as she got out of her car, shouting as she walked over to me…trailing off when she saw my face and realized we went to church together. And it was a small church, folks.
So, what happened?
She mumbled, “Never mind,” got back in her car, and drove off. We never mentioned the incident again.
Friend, this may seem like such an inconsequential thing, but what would happen if you imagined every lane cutter, tailgater, slow driver, etc. etc. etc. to be someone you know? A friend, grandmother, unobservant but lovable family member?
Would you be as angry? As quick to curse at them? Would you watch what you said in the supposed privacy of your vehicle if it was someone you love? It took me a long time (years, people), but thankfully my need for quick vengeance or that pesky hope for sweet, sweet karma to overtake my enemies on the road has gradually dissipated. I still have to remind myself that there are real people in those metal death traps weaving through lanes every once in awhile, but…progress!
Let’s remember to treat everyone around us as the beloved, precious people they are.