Morning Pages

And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Hebrews 4:13

Have you heard of “Morning Pages?” I was introduced to it by artist and author Julia Cameron in her bestselling book, “The Artist’s Way.” I’ve mentioned this book before because it’s been very helpful for me in discovering myself, at least parts of myself. Even though this book was designed for artists, it’s applicable for anyone who is creative, spiritual, or introspective. In short, Morning Pages is a mind dump; it’s a time you put your thoughts, ramblings, frustrations, complaints, or anything on paper. It removes any obstacles that an artist might have limiting their creativity. Surprisingly, it’s been helpful for me to put on paper any blockages or negative emotions limiting my spiritual growth/health. It’s not supposed to be poetic, articulate, or even cohesive. Nobody would see this except for you and (if you’re spiritual) God. Yet I always feel unconditional love and acceptance from God whenever I put my dark thoughts on paper.

You can read the description of it here.

How is God inviting you to be more vulnerable with God?