"Good" Friday

We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all
Isaiah 53:6

My 11-year-old daughter asked me an interesting question this week. She asked, “Why is Good Friday considered “good” if that’s the day that Jesus died?” I’m sure I must’ve wondered that same question before, I just never articulated it quite as well and simply as my daughter did. After pondering her question a bit, I told her, “It was a bad day for Jesus because he suffered and died, but it was good news for us because we believe it gives us hope and a future. He carried the punishment that we should have received. Because he loved us, we can love and have a relationship with God and love and have healthy relationships with our neighbors.”

I think this question that my daughter asked me is a question we should ask ourselves every year. “Why is Good Friday still ‘good’?”

How is God inviting you to die to yourself so that you can experience resurrection?