For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
- Colossians 1:19-20
I was talking with a few friends about the good news of the gospel earlier this week, and it became clear that I’m not the only one who often falls into the habit of living like I can earn my way into God’s good graces.
It’s difficult to remember that Jesus’ sacrifice was and is sufficient for our reconciliation with God, isn’t it? And not just humanity, but all things - whether on earth or in heaven, as our passage today reads.
It seems contrary to our very nature to be gifted something so big as eternal life and adoption into God’s family without having to work for it. God did all the hard work. All we have to do is accept it.
Personally, I’ve always struggled with accepting “handouts” due to pride…and due to fear of being hurt or used. I didn’t grow up in the most stable of households, and I struggled with the concept of relying on adult figures for anything - even food and shelter - past my early teenage years. I worked hard for what I had, even though it wasn’t much, and whenever an adult did something for me or gave me anything…I was grateful, yes, but also cautious. What might they want in return?
Because of that, it has been hard for me to learn to trust God to be a good father and to accept His free gift of reconciliation. I’m still learning, and I think it’s going to be a lifelong process of learning to trust God more and more.
But the one thing I am certain of, and that I cling to every day is that God is love. All He has done, does, and will do centers around that fact. He created all things with love. He made us in His image with love. He gave us the freedom to make our own choices in love. And He saves us from those choices because of love.
Friend, have you also had trouble accepting God’s grace and forgiveness as a free gift? Are there ways that you can rest today in the sufficiency of what Jesus has done for you?