Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then you too will abide in the Son and in the Father.
1 John 2:24
Listening is hard, isn’t it?
Well, maybe you’re better at it than I am. I spend most of my days searching for ways to distract myself from chronic pain, so, admittedly, being present and listening is an exercise of will for me.
But I’m sure I’m not the only one who has to deal with distractions (or reasons for finding distractions). Whether it’s relationship troubles, financial struggle, social, physical, emotional, mental…life often seems bound and determined to throw different messages and noise into our path.
All in all, everyday life can make it difficult for us to focus on what’s truly important and listen. To the Holy Spirit, who dwells in us and guides us to what is good. To the Bible, God’s love letter to us and its teachings about heavenly culture, heavenly ideals. To our loved ones, who we sometimes forget have their own lives and their own struggles, no matter how closely we live together or how often we meet. To neighbors, acquaintances, strangers, who are equally as beloved and precious to God as we are.
So, my dear friend, I hope that this coming week you are able to find a way to cut through all the distractions and focus on listening to what is important. I can’t know what that may be in your life, but I know that God is there for you, and I pray that He will give you open eyes and open ears as well as a spirit that is discerning.