Lent: Shadows & Substance

We live in a world of contradictions. We are spiritual beings in earthly bodies. We are loving creatures in a hateful world. We are designed for relationships but religiosity surrounds us. What do we do with all this tension? We are called to be people of substance yet we are surrounded by shadows. Well, God calls us not to shy away from the shadows but to enter into it. In fact, God calls His people to enter into the tension that is this world, to not ignore or run away from the contradictions but to live in it and to be a light in the darkness.
Join us on Sunday March 19 as we explore what it means to live in the shadows as people of substance.

Colossians 2:16-23

Lent: Faith & Doubt

Let’s be honest, if you’re a spiritual person or a person of faith, you’ve had your fair share of doubts. Everyone doubts sometimes. So the question should not be whether or not we should doubt, The question should be what should we do with those doubts. Surprisingly, God is not only comfortable with our doubts, God actually welcomes them. One thing is for certain, doubt can either bring us closer to God or push us away from God; but doubt will certainly never be neutral.

The passage we observe today shows how even heroes of faith can doubt sometimes.
Doubt keeps us honest. Doubt keeps us humble. Doubt keeps us hungry.

Luke 7:18-23

Grow Thyself

What does healthy spiritual growth look like? When I was younger, I thought it was as simple as reading, learning, and remembering. Now I’m realizing that growth is a constant process of knowing and unknowing, learning and unlearning, taking in and sending out. Join us tomorrow as we discover what “Grow Thyself” actually looks like. Based on 1 Corinthians 13:9-13

Faith & Works

What’s the relationship between belief and works? Well, that’s the difference between an active faith and passive belief. We see this everywhere, not just in Christianity. Some might passively believe in social justice and easily talk about it and share it on social media, but how are they actively faithful about it? Some might passively believe in equity, but how are they actively faithful about making it a reality? Faith in God is no different; but if we start by observing our faith in God, it spills over into every other area of our lives.