Perhaps you have heard the expression, “When God closes a door, He opens a window.” But is that always true? If you go looking for that quote in the Bible, you’ll be looking for a long time because you won’t find it in there. But every open door offers new opportunities for the people of God to grow, connect, and love.
Open Spirits
What does it mean to have an “open spirit”? Interestingly, I think it might be easier for some of us to recognize when someone has a “closed spirit.” Having an open spirit is essential in recognizing the constant work that God is doing in and around us. It also allows us to receive the blessings God desires to give; sadly, the blessings of God are readily available for all people, many just don’t have spirits open enough to notice them.
Open Road
The road of life can introduce us to some unexpected people, new experiences, and profound challenges. However, there are many ways many tend to avoid these people, experiences, and challenges along the way. They avoid unexpected people by surrounding themselves with people just like them. They circumvent new experiences because they stay in their little socioeconomic silos. They rarely confront profound challenges because they remain shelters and complacent. But who’s really paying the consequences in the end? When we don’t embrace unexpected people, new experiences, or profound challenges, our worldview remains narrow and we cease to grow.
One of the Four Core Values of Perch.Church is open-mindedness. We believe that in order experience healthy and holistic spirituality, open-mindedness is absolutely essential. But the concept of openness is important in terms of being open to opportunities, relationships, and other spiritual practices. In short, if we are not open, we are not growing.
Deserts: Little Graces
During spiritually dry seasons, it seems like our spirits are barely trying to survive. We easily distract ourselves with busyness, activities, and entertainment, but our souls are shriveling within. God sends us little graces along the way to help sustain us during times of spiritual droughts. We just have to be able to open our spiritual eyes to see them.
Deserts: Getting Well
It’s summertime and it’s been hot and dry in Souther California. This begs the question, have you been in a spiritually dry season? Maybe you’re in a spiritually dry season right now. How do we get out of spiritually dry season? Is it simply waiting on God, or is there more to it?
A Sad Tale of FOMO
Have you ever felt FOMO? If so, is it possible God wants to grow you through that experience?
Last month Rev. Sam Roberson guest spoke on “Forgiveness” for our Justice Series.
This Sunday, he’ll be visiting again and sharing “A Sad Tale of FOMO.”
Judgment - Part 2
Last Sunday we went over the theme of Judgment in our Justice Series. However, it seemed like we just scratched the surface on this important theme. So we will be continuing our discussion on Judgment this Sunday for 4th of July weekend.