In this time of “cancel culture,” it feels like almost anything you say, do, or stand for can get you excluded. Unfortunately, it’s no different in many American churches. “If you’re a Christian, you have to vote for . . .” “If you’re not an affirming church, you’re a bigoted church.”
While it is the Church that’s supposed to be changing and shaping culture, it seems as though the Church has become a mirror image of culture; acting and behaving just as antagonistic as the rest of the world. In many ways, the Church needs to be the most exclusive AND inclusive organization the world has ever seen. The Church is the most exclusive organization in the world because we believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. On the other-hand, the Church is the most inclusive organization in the world because we believe everyone should “come as they are” and the hospitality is extended to all. Jesus was rejected, despised, and canceled by the world; but Jesus needed to go through that horrific experience in order to have all of us feel embraced by God’s love.