Acts of the Spirit

The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.” Then Philip ran up to the chariot…
Acts 8:29-30a

I’ve been reading through the Book of Acts for my personal devotional times with God the past few weeks and it’s been very interesting reading this again in my current stage of life. Maybe it’s because of my life experience now or the open-mindedness I have learned to embrace with my age, I’m beginning to read this intriguing book through a new lens. First of all, it’s not as black and white as I thought it was. There are some things that are left open-ended. Second, it’s a lot more lively and vivid than most other books of the New Testament. It almost reads like a novel. Lastly, it shouldn’t be called Acts of the Apostles, it should be called Acts of the Spirit. Everything that the apostles did in this book are compelled by the Holy Spirit. Wherever she told them to go, they went; whatever she told them to do, they did. In the verse above, the Holy Spirit told Philip, “Go to the chariot.” What’s really compelling about Philip’s response is that “Philip RAN to the chariot.” My hope and prayer for you is that we respond to the Holy Spirit’s prompting with the same level of enthusiasm and excitement.