I Kissed Doubting Goodbye

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?
Psalm 22:1

Recently, prominent Christian author and pastor Joshua Harris announced on his social media that he was divorcing from his wife of many years and no longer calling himself a Christian. He said, “By all the measurements I have for defining a Christian, I am not a Christian.” This caused an uproar in the Christian online community in a range of responses such as disappointment, discouragement and denouncement. Not me. In a weird way, I kind of celebrate it. Obviously, I’m not happy he’s separating from his wife; those decisions are fraught with pain and tension. What I am celebrating is the fact that he’s open about his ending that chapter of his life. I’m celebrating the fact that he’s honest about his doubts in God and questioning his own faith. Keep in mind, the book that made Harris famous was a book entitled “I Kiss Dating Goodbye,” when Harris was a 21-year-old and certain about everything. Now he’s in his mid-40’s and doubting almost everything. That’s evolution; that’s honesty; that’s a real spiritual journey. So when people are so quick to judge Harris and jump quickly to apocalyptic responses, it really puts the mirror back on themselves and their own fears. Why do we desperately need our Christian leaders to be absolutely certain of everything? Certainly, the writers in the Bible were not. If you don’t believe me, just read through the Psalms, Lamentations, or Book of Job. Now that I’m older, I’m growing more and more skeptical of leaders who are absolutely certain of everything. Every follower of God is allowed to doubt... especially Christian leaders. And just because Harris no longer calls himself a “Christian” in the traditional sense, this does not mean he doesn’t believe in God or doesn’t love Jesus. So when you hear or read about someone doubting God, I beg you... Give space and grace. Give space meaning give them permission and time to go through whatever it is they’re going through. Give grace meaning show understanding and empathy towards others, particularly when they’re being vulnerable about their struggles. Because Jesus gave us space to come to Him when we were ready and He gave us grace in our worst moments.