Naming the Feeling

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
‭Proverbs‬ ‭4:23‬

The past three months have been the great revealer. If things were unhealthy in your home or heart, that’s been revealed. If the civil unrest has brought out some racist or ignorant sentiments, that’s been uncovered. If there has been any hypocrisy in your life, that’s been exposed. Even for people of faith, we’re realizing now more than ever that  spiritual healthy cannot exist without emotional health. We’ve been reminded of that this past Sunday at our Healthy Relationships Seminar. This season of lament has brought out some of the best in people and some of the worst in people. Having the ability, self-awareness, and tools to be able to process our emotions, coping mechanisms, truths, and actions is critical in not only surviving during this season, but thriving in it.