No Justice, No Peace


“Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!”
‭Amos‬ ‭5:15, 24

On Tuesday night, I had the opportunity to protest with over 1,000 people at Pasadena City Hall. It was organized by NAACP and several local Black churches. It was a beautiful and powerful display of people who are fed up with a broken system. Several council-people, church leaders, and even the mayor of Pasadena spoke to the crowds. You could feel the anger and restlessness in their voices, but there was also a glimmer of hope... hope that justice can actually be realized. But in order for a broken system to be reformed, it needs to start with individuals. Many people in the streets are chanting, “No justice! No peace!” While that is certainly true for a society, it’s also true for individuals. If we do not live justly, hate what is evil, and love what is good, we will never experience peace in our souls. This how God created us, to be carriers and practitioners of justice.