Are You Staying Hydrated?

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?
Psalm 42:2

Want to hear a funny story? A few summers ago at my previous job, I had a coworker who would always run hotter than the average person. Our jobs required us to wear suit and tie during our meeting days, so this one summer day when we were returning from going out to lunch, my coworker was drenched in sweat. The collar around his neck was soaked, he had pit stains on his dress shirt, and he was panting like a dog in heat. As soon as we parked our cars and started walking back to the office, he said, “I’m so thirsty!” He immediately goes to the office fridge, takes out a box of cream puffs, and starts tossing them into his mouth like M&Ms. I was baffled. I said to him, “I thought you said you were thirsty?” He replied, “I am!” as he continued to destroy one cream puff after another.

This makes me wonder how we often replace our spiritual nourishment with cheap substitutes. We ignore our spiritual thirsts because we distract ourselves with busyness, activities, and entertainment. We fill ourselves up with junk when all our spirits needed was the living water.