Go With the Flow

Jesus stood and said, “Whoever believes in me, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”
John 7:38

I spent a lot of time in water this week. On Monday & Tuesday, I took my two kids to a water park. Yes you read that correctly, two days at the water park! And if that weren’t enough, on Friday, I went to Santa Monica Beach with my hospital colleagues for a chaplains staff retreat day. As I was swimming in the ocean on that warm Friday afternoon, I kept getting beat up by the waves. After a few minutes of getting tossed and turned by the ocean, I relaxed my body and adjusted my body to the rhythms of the waves instead of resisting them. When a wave was big but didn’t break, I just floated with it; when a wave broke ahead of me, I dove underneath it; when the waters were calm, I just stood or tread water. Whenever I resisted the flow, I was getting beat up and tired. I realized it was far easier, enjoyable, and empowering for me to go with the flow.

What current flow are you resisting that you really should be riding?