
Do you ever wonder, "I don't belong here"? Most of us have a nagging sense that we don't ultimately belong here on earth. Human beings are meant to find our permanent home somewhere else. Philippians 3 affirms that we are citizens of heaven before being citizens of any earthly nation. What does it mean to be a citizen of heaven? While we may wish to depart this earth and be fully united with God in spirit, we must remain as residents for the time being. But why? In light of this post Elections Week, we need a sober reminder of where our loyalty first lies... in heaven or on earth.

Philippians 3:15-21

Faith & Politics with Eugene Cho

How should people of faith engage in politics? While some may completely disengage and others might obsess over politics, finding the right balance of political engagement can be tricky. The goal has been and always will be loving God and loving our neighbors. Politics matter because people matter, and politics influence the policies that have an effect on people. Rev. Eugene Cho of "Bread for the World" and "One Day's Wages" gives a message at Perch.Church on the taboo topic of "Faith & Politics" that is powerful, provocative, and prophetic.

Matthew 5:1-10

Great Plagues of 2020

Exodus 5:1-5, 6:1-2

With all of the catastrophes happening in 2020, it feels like the apocalypse. However, all of the events that have occurred in 2020 are more like the Ten Plagues in the Book of Egypt. And despite what some good-natured Christian Americans may think, America is not God's chosen nation. In actuality, America is more like Egypt and the Great Plagues of 2020 are bringing upon a season of reckoning for this nation.

Jesus the Healer, Not the Curer

Mark 5:21-34

How has 2020 impacted your overall health? Your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. 2020 has proven to be a most difficult year for everyone. Several years from now, we may look back at this year and realize how lonely, anxious, or even depressed we were as a result of everything that’s happened so far. But the good news is, this is precisely why Jesus came into the world. Jesus came to heal you completely, not just cure one part of you. As my friend and colleague Bethany McKinney Fox once said, “Healing is not the same as curing.”

Self Care Sunday

How are you taking care of yourself these days? Like REALLY taking care of yourself. Getting drunk, playing video games, and watching entertainment might be fun, but it’s not self-care. How are you taking care of your emotional and spiritual health? Lean in and listen as Al dialogues with his psychologist & therapist Dr. Carrie Ann Horn about the importance of loving yourself.

Good Lament

Psalm 42

Lament is a good and necessary emotion of love. Lamenting well is a lost spiritual practice in Western society, but why? There are some insidious ways we've been convinced by our culture that lamenting is a bad thing. But Jesus Christ knew how to lament well because He knew that lament was good for the soul. If we don't lament in healthy ways, it will come out in unhealthy ways like isolation, irritability, or violence. We are living in painful times right now and we need to lament well in order to get through difficulties better than before.

Hopeful Faith Floats

Matthew 14:22-33

Do you feel trapped on a little boat in the middle of the sea storm? This season of Covid, racial injustice, and economic collapse has made many people fearful for what's the come. But knowing that God is with us gives us a hope and assurance of the future despite the violent storm that surrounds us.